Saturday, July 25, 2009

First outing!

15th July, 2009

In early times they were confined indoors probably as a protection from dust, heat and infection. Me, my husband along with my in-laws took Aditi to nearby ancient Madambakkam Shiva temple on an auspicious day. This was the first trip outside apart from our hospital visits. It was an unexplainable but an excellent feeling. My mother in law placed the baby on the feet of the deity.
While today, the ceremony is limited to a visit to a temple, in ancient times it was far more elaborate. The courtyard of the house was decorated and the family deity worshipped. After auspicious verses were recited and the Gods propitiated, the child was brought out to the sound of a conch and the recital of vedic hymns. The child was carried by the father and made to look at the sun.

Once the mother and baby visit any temple, we can visit anybody's house. This, it seems keeps the baby and mother safe from evil eyes.

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