Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Sundays are generally mean and devouring …… By devouring I mean that I actually Devour any sort of thing that can be associated with food…. But in the later part of the day around after noon, the guilt of consuming such a lot, consumes me and then I repent ….. This happens week after week. Hey its actually fine…im not actually much bothered hee hee. Then why the hell am I writing all this crap??? Just because that’s one thing I can do for this guilt ;) oh the work out? Ya I can do that too. But I guess this is easier than that right? And ya I’ll definitely start cycling from Monday...that’s tomorrow :(
Today there was a program in Jaya TV, for the great music hurricane, Ilayaraja. He is a great artist…That is definitely an incomplete sentence…There are some people whose greatness is such that you cannot find apt words for describing their greatness unless of course you are a poet… Im not…I can only say he is a great music director. He has the knack of making his music sound fresh even today. With every movie one tends to think that it must be the best from him, but he yet again proves to deliver better music with every movie….

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