Thursday, June 23, 2005

The monk who sold his Ferrari !

I read Robin Sharma’s “The monk who sold his Ferrari”. Man, I must say this man sounds more influential than the most powerful politician in India. He can change lives like that! I immediately went through his site ( Very impressive. Maybe im getting too excited, but i guess the book had some magic with it. The book is a simple one giving you easy steps to attain a more powerful and meaningful life. I loved the sayings that he's used like "The purpose of life is a life of purpose". How many times do we think about such things. We are so entangled with our 'career goals', jobs, salary hikes, increments, certifications and stuff that we forget to get the certifications of our own life, hike our own life, health and most of all the mind. But the book makes you realize all that you are missing and wakes you with a thud on your head :)
The lawyer in this book who narrates the story and the one who goes through a brilliant experience in a fictitious place called Shivana are both common men. Thats the beauty of the book. A man who is highly under the pressure of worldly pleasures and is living a life of a burdened soul turns into a handsome, strong and enlightened soul ... A man whose goal was to earn 300 million dollars, changes into a monk who lives on what he calls as "Live food" !.

Infact the book is an experience. One cannot explain it in words. You should go through it. So ppl, thats not just one more book onto my bookshelf now. Its a new piece of treasure in my locker now.....

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